About Ethereal

1. Ethereal Freezing: I installed the downloaded exe file on Windows 98, but every time I try to open example.cap, the program freezes and I get the Not Responding thing.


Answers:  According to the FAQ the win32 binary is supposed to look for the WinPCap stuff (download it from http://netgroup-serv.polito.it/winpcap/) and disable capturing if it doesn't find it.  Make sure you have installed that library (GTK+ and Perl as well) and giving it another shot.  Also, some students report that in win98 and win2k, it takes a really long time to load a file. So you might just want to wait a while and see what happens.


2. Ethereal Filters

I tried to use a filter so I could look only at the GET packets.  And when I tried to add the new filter, my computer crashed rather violently.  Anyone got any ideas?


Answers: Go to www.ethereal.com and read the documentation; they have a pretty good manual up there.  I had the program segfault on me once or twice when I was playing with the filters, too.  Mostly, though, they seem to work well.


3. Is there an easy way to answer the how many bytes are transferred from xxxx to yyyyy question?

In Ethereal if you right click on a packet in a given TCP stream and then choose “Follow TCP Stream”. At the bottow left of the window, it allows you to see both sides of the stream together or just one side at a time. It also displays the number of bytes in each direction. 

You should also be able to simply subtract the sequence number of the first packet in the stream from the sequence number of the last sequence number of the stream in each direction (I would expect that is how Ethereal is doing it anyway).


About the homework

Does anyone know how we're supposed to turn the homeworks in?   What format should the homeworks be in- text file?  HTML?


Answers: We prefer electronic submission - in the case of homework1, I think by email to cs519 wouild be fine.  For right now, we would suggest saving the html file, inserting your answers and waiting for further instructions.


About Detailed Questions:

1. About Q2

(1) In Question 2, it said ”Does this imply anything about how long it has been since traffic was exchanged with that machine?" what is "that machine"? is it the oreilly server?

Answers: The question makes perfect sense if you take "that machine" to be www.oreilly.com, so I assume so.



(2)And for packet 2.. anyone understand why the destination is rather than shouldn't a DHCPACK be a unicast?


A1: I was wondering this...I have a bad feeling that DHCP is permitted to *assign* hardware addresses, although I found RFC 2131 too dense to answer that immediately.


A2: No, DHCP does not assign MAC addresses.

      There is a bit in DHCP requests that can be set to indicate whether a client would like the server's response unicast or broadcast.  The reasoning for this is described in section 2 of RFC 2131:


   To work around some clients that cannot accept IP unicast datagrams before the TCP/IP software is configured as discussed in the previous paragraph, DHCP uses the 'flags' field [21].  The leftmost bit is defined as the BROADCAST (B) flag.


Section 3.2 discusses how the server interprets this flag:

       If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is non-zero the server sends any return messages to the 'DHCP server' port on the BOOTP relay agent whose address appears in 'giaddr'. If the 'giaddr' field is zero and the 'ciaddr' field is nonzero, then the server unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the address in 'ciaddr'.

       If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is set, then the server broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to 0xffffffff. If the broadcast bit is not set and 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, then the server unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the client's hardware address and 'yiaddr' address.  In all cases, when 'giaddr' is zero, the server broadcasts any DHCPNAK messages to 0xffffffff.


In other words, if there is no DHCP relay ("giaddr") and the client doesn't yet have its IP address configured ("ciaddr"), it can request either unicast or broadcast (0xffffffff) replies.